Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

Preparing revision notes is always a good idea as it helps students prepare for their examinations easily. If you are confused about how to make revision notes, we have your back. Just keep reading this article to find out.

  • Be thorough when you read the book

The first thing that we are going to discuss is how reading your textbook is very important. Before making notes regarding any topic, you need to know everything about that topic that your syllabus covers. This is because, if you do not read your textbook, you would not know which points are important and what should be incorporated into your notes.

  • Follow your course structure

Follow your course structure when you are making revision notes. Keep in mind which subjects have how much weightage and what are the important topics in each chapter. Find out what the important questions are for each chapter and prepare your revision notes according to that. If you follow your syllabus properly while making your revision notes, you will not have the risk of missing out on the important sections of each chapter.

  • Make points to cover all the syllabus points

This point connects directly to the previous point. So, as you all know, on the index page of your textbooks, under each chapter, you get a detailed outline of what each chapter covers. So, you should make your notes according to that. Focus on a single chapter, and then focus on the various sub-topics covered under each chapter. Prepare the notes, topic-wise. This way, you will not miss out on any topic or subtopic. Also, it will be easier for you to cover the whole chapter evenly and thoroughly.

  • Always include a few examples in your revision notes

This is another very important point that students should remember while making notes. If your notes include descriptions of something that has available examples, always include a few in your notes. Examples are a very important part of notes. Also, with the help of examples, it is easier for a student to understand a topic more clearly. Giving examples in your examinations will also increase your chances of scoring good marks.

  • Do not copy the book language when writing notes

When you are making your own notes, always keep in mind not to copy the exact same lines from your textbook. This will not help you remember the topics properly and also defeats the main purpose of making your own notes. Read your textbook thoroughly as we have discussed before. Then, write the notes in your own words according to your level of perception of what is written in the textbook. 

If you do this, it will be better and easier for you to remember what you are writing. Also, this will be good practice for your exam as you will be required to write answers in your own words. So, keep in mind to not copy the exact lines from your textbooks when you are making your revision notes.

  • Include exam tips in your notes

Be sure to include certain exam tips in your revision notes. You can write down in which pattern you are going to attempt the question paper. You can also write down what you need to do in order to prepare for your examinations well. Write down whatever you think will help you answer properly in your exams.

  • Go over your notes several times to make required corrections

Do not make the revision notes just for the sake of making them. In order for you to make the perfect revision notes, you should revise and re-revise your notes several times. This will help you to add or subtract points from your notes according to what you see fit. Also, if you do it, then you will be able to make the best notes and the most accurate ones for yourself. Revising your notes and making corrections as you go is very important for making notes. 

  • Do not make lengthy notes

Notes should not be lengthy. Your textbook is lengthy. So, when you are making notes, you are basically trying to make your textbook more compact. If you make your notes lengthy, it kind of defeats the purpose of making revision notes. Also, if it is lengthy, then it will be difficult for you to remember everything. Making the notes shorter and compact will make it easier for you to remember the more important parts of your subject during your examination.

  • Make flashcards

Flash cards are a great way of revising the most important questions related to a particular chapter. Flashcards are basically a piece of paper where on one side you write the question and the answer is written on the other side. Flashcards are basically used as a last-minute practice and revision during your examinations. With the help of flashcards, you will be able to practise all your important questions and answers very well. Before an examination, you can ask a friend or either of your parents to ask you questions from the flashcard and you will answer. Then you can turn and see for yourself if you have answered correctly.

  • Keep a hard copy and soft copy of your notes

Nowadays everyone uses mobiles and laptops for studies more than they use books. So, if you make your notes on MS word or on your mobile notepad, then always keep a printout of it along. Also, if your notes are handwritten, keep a soft copy of them on your mobile or laptop. This way, if you lose one, you will have another with you.

Follow all these steps when you are making notes and you will create the best notes ever. Good luck!

By Louie

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