Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Patients even after successfully completing treatment for tuberculosis are under an increased risk of death of all causes and reduced life expectancy, according to research conducted by the ICMR National Institute for research in TB. As part of his commitment to end TB in 2025, five years before the Global SDG target in 2030, India continued its struggle against TB through the National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP).

Although there has been an increase in the results of treatment and decreased mortality in recent years, the long -term survival of this patient after treatment is still a concern, Dr. Padmapriyadarsini C, Director of the National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT) in Chennai. Research findings conducted by Nirt, showed that deaths between those who were diagnosed and treated for TB were twice as higher than those that were not affected.

These studies follow up on 4,022 TB patients and 12,243 controls that match gender and according to their age for their long-term survival. Although TB ​​patients are treated successfully, the long -term follow -up of individuals who are treated for TB indicate that there is an excess of premature death between those affected by the disease, the main findings state.

“Deaths between those who were diagnosed and treated for TB were twice as high as those that were not affected by TB and most of deaths occurred in the first year after completing treatment,” the finding stated. Among the population sub -group, death is higher in men compared to women. According to the findings, the missing years are 6.15 per 1,000 in the treated TB population and 1.52 per 1,000 in the non-TB population.

The authors suggest regular counseling or create awareness about TB and their consequences among smokers, alcoholics, and other risk groups, as steps to reduce death related to TB. Pulmonary TB claims the number of deaths higher at 42 percent, compared to 18 percent observed among those diagnosed with extrapulmonary TB. The greater part of death at 61 percent is formed by people who have a form of non-point treatment.

NIRT recommends NTEP to form a strategy to reduce post-TB treatment mortality and respiratory morbidity, and also ensure early case detection, treatment initiation, and treatment compliance. The body also recommends long -term follow -up for TB repetition. That, along with interventions for comorbid conditions every six months for two years post-TB treatment is recommended to prevent premature death.

It is also recommended that TB program managers must consider advising people about their smoking and alcohol habits to reduce post-TB treatment. NIRT recommends conducting large-scale implementation research on vaccinations of cases treated to ensure reducing TB recurrence and post-TB treatment mortality.

“Even after successfully completing treatment, the quality of life of TB patients treated is compromised. This is caused by a higher post-TB sequel level in terms of respiratory morbidity and mortality,” said Dr. Padmapriyadari. “Because post-TB morbidity not only affects individuals but also state productivity, NTEP must prioritize the right strategy to reduce post-TB-TB deaths,” he added.

By james

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