Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024

Rishi S He was promised to work “day and night” for “the best country in the world” as an election campaign to take over from Boris Johnson as the leader of the Conservative Party and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom who had just entered his last stage on Wednesday, with the last Hustings event determined for London.
Sung reiterated his vision’s statement as the first British Indian to run for the top work at 10 Downing Street ahead of the last campaign event scheduled at a popular concert in Wembley on Wednesday night.

The former Chancellor will go head-to-head with his rival Foreign Minister Liz Truss for the last time when they fight for each of the remaining Tory members who have not given ballots before the voting is closed on Friday night.

The 42 -year -old former Finance Minister, who has focused his campaign message about the urgency of getting inflation and repaying 47 -year -old truss claims that tax cuts are answers to overcoming the crisis of living costs to paralyze the British economy, making a final effort to bring home his “consistent vision , clear and honest “.

“Britain is the best country in the world to grow, start family and build a business, and our future looks bright. But we can only get there if we overcome the challenges we face in the short term directly with honesty and credible plans,” said S in the siake, in a statement released by the ready4rishi campaign team on Tuesday night.

“I have the right plan, rooted in conservative values, and I have been consistent, clear and honest in all of this contest that we must improve inflation first. Only by supporting people through this winter and gripping inflation we can put The foundation for growth and prosperity – for lower taxes, better NHS and healthy economy utilizes our freedom of Brexit, “he said.

“That’s my vision for England, and I will work day and night to send it to the party and the country I love,” he added.

Sunda is looking for history as the first British prime minister from India-Oorigin and received extraordinary support from Indian Diaspora, many of them have chosen to support him as a member of a conservative party.

After a dream in the early stages of the contest when his colleagues chose to choose him as one of the two finalists, Sung had trailed in a survey and bookie opportunities since the campaign widened to the membership of conservative parties throughout the country.

A Fiercele Loyal Base of Johnson Supporters Who See Sunak As Having Triggered His Early Exit from Downing Street by Resigning As The Chancellor in Early July and Truss’ Tax Cutting Pledge Seem To Be The Dominating Factors That Have MP for Richmond in Yorkshire.

However, Saunak and his team have expressed optimism throughout the campaign and insisting that he will fight until the end for what he believes as the right vision for the country.

After a series of Hustings events since last month, voting in the leadership selection will be officially closed in 1700 local time on Friday. At that time, around 160,000 Tory voters should register their ballots either by post or online.

“I am proud of the list of strong candidates that we have for this contest, the most diverse candidates for the election of leadership in British history, showing once again conservative is the meritocracy party,” said Chairman of the Conservative Party Andrew Stephenson, oversees the election process.

The results of the voting for the new Tory leader will be announced on Monday, with the winner who will answer the question of his first prime minister (PMQ) at the House of Commons next Wednesday.

By james

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