Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

By sending an official delegation to Afghanistan controlled by the Taliban on Thursday, the Narendra Modi government has decided to bilaterally involve Islamic emirates for sustainable humanitarian assistance and infrastructure development after recognizing nude facts on the field in Afghanistan.

While the Indian delegation is expected to return tomorrow through Dubai, the incident since August 1521, the takeover of the Kabul by the Taliban has shown that the Sunni-Pashtun troops have their own thoughts and are not bound to their mentors they used to be their mentors they once in Rawalpindi GHQ. The Taliban regime has indicated that it is only focused on Afghanistan and is committed not to disturb the third country on behalf of Sunni Islam or Jihad.

Although India always has an open back channel for the Taliban, the decision to send an official delegation led by the joint secretary of J P Singh, who has served both in Kabul and Islamabad, is a step taken after a lot of homework and assessment at the highest level.

First, regardless of public attitudes, the US and the West involved the Taliban regime with Germany and Japan, the latest to take the Kabul music train. While countries such as China, Russia, Pakistan, Qatar, Turkey and the Central Asian Republic have full embassies operating in Kabul, other countries also have the presence of low levels in the country governed by the Taliban. Kabul Airport is being operated with the help of a UAE with Taliban who is not interested in giving a port to Qatar-Turkey Combine.

Second, after the US troops were almost pursued by the Taliban on August 1521, even after governing the country with a proxy for 20 years, Sunni-Pashtun troops did not face political or military challenges from outside forces. There may be sorting out in the leadership of the Taliban for power and a gap but there is a global fatigue to Afghanistan without a country that is willing to support military challenges towards ruling regimes both from within the country or from outside. This means that the Taliban will stay here

Third, India has a civilization relationship with Afghanistan, which is not subject to an assessment or debate from any third country. Not long ago, the US asked India to stay away from Afghanistan because his cigarettes were truly opposed to the involvement of New Delhi in Kabul or Kandahar. The US on Pakistan’s orders expressed its opposition to the Indian opening consulate in Jalalabad, Mazar, Kandahar and Herat. The Indian Embassy in Kabul was opened after the release of the Taliban in 2001 by the Vajpayee government with the Minister of External Affairs Jaswant Singh personally went to Kabul. India has long been committed to the development of Afghanistan whether humanitarian assistance, infra development, or drug supply. Despite the extraordinary pressure, India has refrained from sending troops to Kabul as part of the coalition forces.

Fourth, India was driven by the fact that Sunni-Pashtun forces were contrary to Pakistan who treated Afghanistan as a mere strategic depth for the Islamic Republic against India. The Taliban really opposed the Afghan border fence based on the durand line because it unnaturally divided the Pashtun community between the two countries. Just like the previous regime, the Afghan government always opposed the durand line, a sad legacy from Raj England. The Taliban has said that they are not interested in helping Pakistan Pakistan from the Kashmir valley with good weapons or foot soldiers. Conversely, the Taliban has the umbilical cord with Pakistani e-e-taliban, which in turn targets the Pakistani army with the presence of all provinces of the Islamic Republic.

Fifth, India has a strong relationship between people with the Afghan public regardless of who is in power. With the first policy of its environment, India will not disappoint Afghanists with the help of humanity and will continue to supply food, medicines, and infra supporters to Kabul.

When the Narendra Modi government took over in 2014, the Taliban leadership delivered through the channel back to India that New Delhi could not look at the Kabul from Prisma Pakistan. Without compromise on its policies and postures, the leadership of the Taliban, which was then based in Peshawar and Quetta, wanted to be involved with India at that time but was pushed back firmly by the state of Pakistan. With Foreign Minister Taliban Amir Khan Muttaqi was openly involved with Indian senior officials in Kabul on Thursday, the message to Islamabad and the global community was very clear. And India appreciates the Quran of the Holy Gold and Afghani Loban (Resin Wangi) given to the interlocutors of Modi 1.0 on behalf of the leadership of the leading Taliban in a third country.

By james

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