Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

India along with the other six has voted against the resolution design presented by the US who recommended six groups of human rights, which have been blocked for years at the UN NGO Committee, given a special consultative status at the UN Economic and Social Council.
At the meeting of the Economy and Social Council consists of 54 people (Ecosoc), the non-government organizational committee recommends 203 groups for special consultative status.

However, six other non-governmental organizations, including foundations that run Wikipedia, were added to the list in the draft proposed by the United States, which, in turn, caused a call for the recorded voting, according to the United Nations.

A report on the UN website said that the resolution design in the list of non-governmental organizations that received consultative status with the council, which was presented by the United States delegation, “causing a brief rise.” The resolution design, sponsored by a total of 36 countries, recommended six additional non-governmental organizations to the list proposed by the Committee. It was adopted by 23 voices that supported China, India, Kazakhstan, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Russia and Zimbabwe giving votes against and 18 Abstensi.

The council decides to provide a special consultative status to diaconia; Initituut Inituut; National Human Rights Civil Association “Helsinki Belarusus Committee”; Non -ce Pace Senza Giustizia; Syrian American Medical Community Foundation; and Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

The United States delegation shows that the organizations have been waiting for years to get non-governmental status and repeatedly answer questions from members of the non-government organizational committee.

Supporters of the resolution that were changed to defend the rights of six organizations to make their voices heard at the United Nations. Others designate organizations that have politics or, as stated by the Israeli delegation, even terrorist affiliates, the report said.

Some members of the member state criticized the approach to submit a direct request to the council on the grounds that it was a maneuver to avoid the committee.

The report added that Indian representatives, in an explanation of the position after the voting, highlighted the role of the committee’s key, which had a clear mandate. The procedure is transparent, he said, warned of any deviation from him.

Human Rights Watch welcomed Ecosoc’s approval for UN Accreditation for six human rights groups that have been blocked for years at the UN NGO Committee. ” Louis Charbonneau, the United Nations Director in Human Rights Watch, said in a statement that the decision to provide UN accreditation to six human rights groups was a step towards the right direction.

“But that is only a small part of hundreds of organizations whose applications have been blocked unfairly for years by Russia, China, and rude government. Stopping efforts to silence human rights activists at the United Nations.”

By james

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