Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024
The United Nations: China and Russia on Thursday blocked US encouragement to force UN sanctions in five North Korea in response to the recent launch of the missile by Pyongyang, diplomats told AFP.
The Chinese block came before the new closed security council meeting in North Korea, was also requested by Washington, and was attended by Russian decisions to the same against the American proposal.
Together with Beijing, Moscow has long been holding a line against increasing pressure in North Korea, even asking for assistance from international sanctions for humanitarian reasons.
Last week, after Washington collected sanctions in five North Korea related to the country’s ballistic missile program, the United States campaigned the Security Council of 15 members to extend UN sanctions to the same five people.
The US Ministry of Finance said one of North Korea, Choe Myong Hyon, based in Russia and had provided support to the second North Korean Natural Sciences Academy (SAN), which was subject to sanctions.
Also targeted is the four representatives of the North Korean san-subordinate organization based in China, the Ministry of Finance said: SIM Kwang Sok, Kim Song Hun, Kang Chol Rights, and Pyon Kwang Chol.
The United States quickly expressed displeasure in the block.
Washington has accused the five North Korean relations with the country’s weapons program, and on Thursday US envoys for the United Nations warned that failing to achieve sanctions equated with “empty checks” for Pyongyang.
“We have this sanction for a reason,” said Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield when asked about Beijing opposition and Moscow.
“And for every member country to oppose putting sanctions … give, in my view, the DPRK checks empty,” he said, using an acronym for North Korea.
“We need more time ‘
Under the current UN rules, the block period lasts for six months. After that, other board members can extend the block for three months and one day, before the proposal is permanently deleted from the negotiating table.
North Korea has launched a series of missile tests, confirms “legitimate rights” to defend themselves.
The Security Council meeting on Thursday in North Korea, the second in 11 days, is devoted to discussing “response to the latest tests,” according to Thomas-Greenfield.
“We must respond to them. These actions are unacceptable,” he told the Carnegie endowmen for international peace, a research institute.
China’s diplomatic mission to the United Nations did not immediately respond to a comment request. Russia kicks too.
“We need more time to study data,” Russian Deputy Ambassador Dmitry Polyskiy told AFP.
Last week, failed to reach consensus for round statements over the first meeting of the Security Council after North Korea conducted a launch test of hypersonic missiles, the United States, Albania, France, Ireland and England, along with Japan, together calling Pyongyang to hold back. from further destabilization action.
It responds with more missile tests.
On Thursday six of the same country, joining members of the New Brazilian Board and the United Arab Emirates, issued a joint statement that urged fellow members to “unite in condemning the DPRK.”
According to the diplomat, the United States tried to make the text adopted at the meeting but China refused.
The statement of three sentences, obtained by AFP, noted that the latest North Korea launch uses “ballistic missile technology” and “violates the security council resolution.”
It also urges Pyongyang to comply with the obligation of the council and “involved in dialogue against denuclirization.”

Previously on that day, North Korea signaled it could continue the nuclear and long distance ballistic missile test, because the top officials led by Kim Jong UN said the country was preparing “long-term confrontation” with the United States, managed by the media reported.

China said that Monday has reopened its borders with North Korea for the Trade Trade of goods, about two years after being closed by Pyongyang because of the Coronavirus pandemic.

By harry

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