Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024

Russian War-Ukraine: Foreign Ministry spokesman Moscow Maria Zakharova accused Kyiv to run chemical and biological laboratories with American support.

India on Friday reiterated the need to implement biological weapons conventions and toxins in full letters and enthusiasm amid fears of Russian-Ukrainian conflict turned into a bio-chemical war.

“We have recorded a recent statement by the state and broader information about biological activities related to Ukraine. In this context, we want to underline the importance of being attached by India to biological weapons and toxin conventions (BTWC) as a global and non key – Disarmful convention discriminatory, prohibits all categories of weapons of mass destruction, “Tirumuti said.

Indian concern comes from the claim of Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, Ukraine runs chemical and biological laboratories with American support.

The US comes out correctly rejecting Moscow’s claim, call it a potential fake flag. Repeating the position of Washington that Ukraine does not have a biological weapon program or the laboratory is supported by the United States, Washington’s envoy for the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield said Russia can use chemicals or biological agents in Ukraine.

“We sincerely hope that the continuous direct negotiations between Russia and Ukraine will lead to the termination of hostility. There are no other alternatives except for diplomatic and dialogue paths. Horrible humanitarian situation requires immediate and urgent attention,” TS Tirumu, representative of India to the United Nations on the Security Council.

By harry

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