Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

he Taliban’s victory in Afghanistan might embolden other groups in several parts of the planet , Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned, expressing his worry over global terrorism while asserting that dialogue with the militant group is completely essential because the UN wants the country to play a “constructive role” in diplomacy . The Taliban insurgents seized control of Afghanistan in mid-August, ousting the previous elected leadership which was backed by the West.

I must tell you, i’m very worried with what we are witnessing in several parts of the planet . and therefore the incontrovertible fact that in Afghanistan, the Taliban were ready to win might embolden other groups in several parts of the planet independently of the very fact that they’re different from the Taliban and that i am not seeing there’s a similarity among them, Guterres said during a news conference on Friday at the UN Headquarters. “We have seen several of them, not only congratulating the Taliban but showing stronger enthusiasm about their own capacity, he said.

He added that during this context, he’s very worried about scenarios, like within the Sahel, where we don’t have today an efficient security mechanism to deal with the terrorist challenge therefore the terrorists are gaining ground and must feel emboldened by this situation and this will be said about other parts of the planet . The Sahel is that the region in Africa between the Sahara to the north and therefore the Sudanian savanna to the south.

When you have a gaggle , albeit it’s alittle group, that’s fanaticised, that’s able to die altogether circumstances, or maybe consider death to be an honest thing, if that group decides to launch an attack on a rustic , we are seeing armies unable to face them and melting down and fleeing, Guterres said adding that the Afghan Army disappeared in seven days. I’m very worried with terrorism. I’m very worried that a lot of countries aren’t prepared to fight it. and that we need a way stronger, a way stronger unity and solidarity of nations within the fight against terrorism, he said.

As the United Nations humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths met leaders of the Taliban, the primary person within the world at that level that visited Kabul to talk to the Taliban leadership, Guterres said: We are permanently engaging with the Taliban, and that we believe that a dialogue with the Taliban is completely essential at this moment. With the Taliban announcing a 33-member Cabinet that has no woman member and includes UN-designated terrorists, Guterres said we would like naturally the govt of Afghanistan to be an inclusive government, representing the various sectors of the Afghan population.

He also reiterated that Afghanistan must not ever become a sanctuary for terrorism anymore. we would like basic human rights, and i am particularly concerned, of course, with women and girls’ rights to be respected; which we would like Afghanistan to play a constructive role in diplomacy ,” he said.

Guterres told reporters that we decided that it had been our duty to interact the Taliban, to make the conditions for the likelihood of effective humanitarian aid, impartial, to succeed in all areas and to require under consideration our concerns in reference to women and girls, as an example , to interact the Taliban. The UN chief stressed that it’s my belief that engaging with the Taliban, on one hand, telling them what we believe is vital , the items that are easier to mention and therefore the things which may be harder , but that are important to be said, and at an equivalent time, showing a complete commitment to support the Afghan people.

“I think it is the best thanks to achieve those principles that i discussed within the beginning that we all agree on and that we should be ready to convey during a coordinated way,” he said. In response to an issue on the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan up for renewal next week, Guterres said he believes it’s impossible with the extent of unpredictability that exists to try to to a replacement mandate for UNAMA, a completely new mandate for UNAMA.

I hope that the consensus are going to be during a technical rollover for a brief period, allowing time for a more clear perspective about what things is in Afghanistan and what the role of the UN should be, Guterres said. He said that he thinks it’s prudent to try to to a technical rollover and to possess the time to interact sufficiently to be ready to have a more clear perspective about the longer term , to define the characteristics of the mandate of UNAMA which will necessarily vary from this mandate, for various reasons.
While the choice about the UNAMA mandate renewal are going to be taken by the Member States, Guterres said he hopes it’ll be possible to possess a brief , technical rollover to permit for a more well-prepared, new mandate for UNAMA, taking under consideration the new realities.

By biden

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