Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

If you’re getting a new computer, or you’re just growing tired of the subpar performance of your old one, one of the things you may be considering is a Windows update. It promises better performance, increased security, and a much better PC experience. But is it really worth it?

The latest Windows 10 update came out in May of last year. Unless you have a system that you use for heavier operations like video editing, gaming, or animation, it doesn’t really offer any perks that would drive you to update to the latest version. If you don’t need a PC for those reasons, yet it’s still not functioning as you would like it to, the problem may be with the hardware rather than the OS. Other than that, any problems you may be having online can easily be dealt with through TDS Wi-Fi.

The following are some reasons why you should reconsider updating to Windows 10.

Relearning the Interface

If you’ve seen any computer with Windows 10 installed, you know that it looks completely different from Windows 7. For a lot of people, this change in interface isn’t necessarily an upgrade from what they’re used to, since it serves no real functional purpose – it just makes everything look unnecessarily fancier, and most people would rather stick to what they’re used to and have been working with for over a decade now, which is completely understandable.

Forced Updates

One of the main reasons people are skeptical about updating to Windows 10 is its feature where it forces you to update drivers and such on a regular basis. Now, while that may sound like a good thing, automatic updates that you can’t control aren’t necessarily convenient. There’s a chance that they could be carrying their own vulnerabilities. It’s always good to be able to control when your machine makes changes to its software and interface, and if you want to control this in Windows 10, the entire process will certainly be more trouble than it’s worth.

Privacy Concerns

Another reason a lot of people are unsure about this upgrade is that it allows Windows even easier access to your data. All operating systems are susceptible to clever hackers. While there is no way to anticipate security lapses in the OS, this is still a concern. The possibility of a leak of valuable data exists, and most people aren’t willing to take that risk.

While basic privacy concerns are valid with pretty much any operating system, this particular system is designed to collect your data with your consent and send it back to Microsoft. Many people don’t realize they’ve granted Microsoft permission to collect usage data for future improvements. While Windows 10 does come with some fancy new features, this is one of its most major drawbacks.

Does Your System Support It?

If your PC is basic and you only use it for work purposes, such as research, browsing, and making presentations, there is a good chance it’s not a very high-end machine. What this would mean is that if you updated to a more advanced operating system, it would take up a lot of valuable space in your computer, and you’d have to deal with the consequences in the form of a subpar performance by your machine. The lack of storage might lead to problems like vulnerability to viruses, certain software failing to perform as they should, and frustrating lag – you don’t really need the update.

You May Be Fond of Some Old Features

Do you use Windows Media Center? If you’re someone who enjoys a lot of the classic Windows programs like Photo Viewer and Windows Media Center, you will unfortunately have to say goodbye to them with this new update. Windows 10 has come up with new versions of nearly all of these applications, which not everyone will like. This is another reason to be careful when making the decision to update.


While updates might sometimes come with perks, they can also come with features that you don’t necessarily need or even ones that may potentially slow you down. To avoid this, make sure you do proper research before making this decision, and know exactly how the update could impact the way you use your computer based on your work, hobbies, etc.

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